References – how Rapp shapes the future

As a competent and experienced partner in complex projects, we design future and sustainable living spaces with enthusiasm and empathy for our clients and their context. On this page you will find an overview of our most important project references. You can also filter by our service areas: Road User Charging (RUC), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Mobility & Traffic Management.

N02 Gotthard tunnel maintenance project

The Gotthard Tunnel maintenance project, which will take around 12 years to complete, comprises five overarching construction phases during which traffic through the tunnel is to be kept flowing at all times. Rapp and its partners advise FEDRO on all scientific, technical and strategic issues and are responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of transportation projects. 

Introduction of a truck toll on state and district roads in Baden-Württemberg

A truck toll for vehicles weighing 7.5 tons or more is intended to generate revenue for the maintenance and upkeep of state and district roads in BW. Rapp has provided expert input on specific issues relating to the HGV toll, prepared a cost estimate for various scenarios and taken on coordinating tasks.

Göschenen exit extension

Measures are being taken at various points to avoid traffic jams at the portal of the Gotthard road tunnel. Among other things, Rapp has advised on and planned the traffic-related implementation of the Göschenen exit extension.

Specialist support and advice for FEDRO in the area of traffic management

FEDRO is the Swiss authority responsible for road infrastructure and individual road traffic. Rapp is working on a multi-year framework contract for specialist support in traffic management for the key topic of "traffic management" at FEDRO.

Pilot test end of traffic jam warning

A pilot test including the detection, verification and visualization of traffic jam ends was carried out. Rapp first provided support in the tendering process and then in the organization, implementation and evaluation of the pilot test.

SIKO 4.0: Safety-relevant competencies and suitability for driving (partially) automated vehicles

The ongoing development of automated driving will fundamentally change road traffic. Rapp and its consortium partners have developed a catalog of the necessary driving aptitudes and driving skills for (partially) automated vehicles.

Congestion tail detection – field test

In a field test, the quality of the congestion tail detections based on floating car data was verified. Existing traffic cameras on previously defined motorway sections served as a reference for the quality check.

Communication of automated vehicles with other road users

The project provides information on the requirements for communication between automated vehicles and other road users. For this purpose, various traffic situations were examined and evaluated in a first step.

New toll tariffs – type of drive and CO2 classes

In 2020, the EU transport ministers initiated toll rates based on CO2 classes. ASFINAG already commissioned Rapp in 2019 to draw up a rough concept for the implementation of a differentiation of the GO toll according to type of drive and CO2 classes.

Use of eCall data for traffic management

Rapp was commissioned together with AIT to identify potential use cases for the use of eCall data in traffic management and to investigate whether and in what way these use cases can be implemented technically, functionally and organisationally.

Technical consulting truck toll Germany

Since 2011 Rapp has been the Technical Advisor to the Federal Ministry of Transport and the Federal Office for Goods Transport for the monitoring and further development of the German HGV toll. In this role, Rapp is involved in all major HGV toll projects.

Transport of the future 2060

The SVI research project "Transport of the Future 2060" aims to develop a visionary view of the long-term development of traffic and transport in Switzerland. Several parallel sub-projects are to provide the (coordinated) building blocks to form three common visions of the future: "Evolution", "Revolution" and "Devolution".

Prautocol - Certification of drivers and automated vehicles

The research project "Prautocol" deals with the certification of drivers and vehicles in the field of automated driving with the aim of strengthening the position of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Support for the development of the German passenger car toll

After the award of the operating contract for the installation and operation of the German passenger car toll to TollTicket, Rapp was commissioned with the development of the operational process model. It was important, that the model had to comply with the specifications of various standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, etc.

Certification of the DKV Box in all DSRC countries

In the course of the introduction of the DKV-Box (Toll4Europe's on-board unit), certification of the on-board unit and the processes required for toll collection had to be carried out in all DSRC countries.

Performance assessment of positioning by satellites for road transport (SaPPART)

SaPPART paves the way for certified terminals, which should lead to a significantly higher use of GNSS-based intelligent transport systems and mobility applications.

C-ITS Compliance Assessment Framework for ANZ

In the very near future vehicles will interact with each other and together with the road infrastructure as "Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems", C-ITS. C-ITS are expected to significantly improve road safety, traffic efficiency and driving comfort and expand the potential for automated vehicles.

iMONITRAF! - Toll Plus System

The Alpine regions of the iMONITRAF! network have identified the need for a more targeted and harmonised pricing system in sensitive mountain areas: Toll Plus. The study helps to advance the implementation of the Toll Plus system and identifes possible regulations for regional transport.

Swiss Heavy Vehicle Fee

Since 1997 Rapp has been the Technical Advisor to the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) for the Performance-related heavy vehicle charge (LSVA). Rapp was heavily involved in the development and introduction phase. The toll system has been successfully in operation since 1 January 2001. Since then Rapp has been supporting the FCA in the operation and further development of the toll system.

Platooning in Switzerland

The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) identifies the number of congestion hours on the national road network as a key problem and has defined traffic management measures to improve traffic flow. FEDRO has commissioned Rapp with the development of the measure "Evaluation of the use of distance keeping systems and platooning".

GO-Maut 2.0 Austria - Migration of the tolling system to a new generation of tolling technology

GO Maut, the Austria-wide toll system for vehicles over 3.5 tonnes, is ready for the future. At the end of June 2018, the world's first complete renewal of a nationwide toll system was successfully completed during ongoing operation.

Tests in the context of the introduction of the HGV toll in Belgium

Since 1 April 2016 all trucks over 3.5 tonnes in Belgium have to pay a kilometre-based toll. Satellic was appointed by Viapass in July 2014 as the toll operator for the three regions in Belgium. Rapp has been appointed by Viapass and Satellic to act as an independent assessor of the operational readiness of the system.

On-Board weighing for trucks

Overloaded vehicles on the road are a significant problem and negatively affect road safety, road degradation, the environment and competition.

Open in-vehicle platform

In addition to legally required devices such as a tachograph or toll collection devices, many trucks use voluntarily installed devices for navigation or fleet management. In the future, further mandatory devices are likely to be added.

Future technologies in the area of road pricing

In a technology study various new technologies were analysed with regard to their applicability in the field of road pricing. The evaluation of the technological approaches was carried out on the basis of criteria related to different road pricing scenarios. Rapp conducted the study for Kapsch and applied a time horizon of 10 to 15 years.

Liabilities with regard to ITS applications and services

When the interaction of multiple actors (vehicle manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, telecommunication operators, road infrastructure operators, etc.) is required, as is the case for cooperative systems and automated driving, liability issues can be a barrier to the deployment of ITS applications and services.

Support in the preparation of a bid for the passenger car toll in Germany

Rapp was commissioned by Logpay Financial Services to prepare a bid for the passenger car toll in Germany. Rapp took over the coordination of the preparation of all documents required by the tender's terms of reference. In addition, Rapp defined the structure of the documents, wrote contributions on technical operation and quality assurance, and prepared the negotiations.

Support in the preparation of a bid for the HGV toll in Belgium

Since 1 April 2016 all trucks over 3.5 tonnes in Belgium have to pay a kilometre-based toll. Rapp wrote the operational part of the technical offer for the consortium Egis, Brisa and IBM, in particular the sales concept, which provided for an early and technical involvement of the service providers. This then gave rise to contributions for the system operation concept oriented to the operating processes.

Tender for the HGV toll in Denmark

In 2012, a team was formed by the Danish Ministry of Taxation (SKAT) with the task of writing a tender for a truck toll in Denmark. Rapp was part of this team and responsible for the preparation of the Toll Domain Statement, the Suitability for Use tests of the EETS Providers, the procedures for auditing the EETS providers and the creation of the operator manual, which contains the process and organisational structure, as well as for defining the test strategy for the overall project.

Truck toll Poland - Measurement and implementation performance parameters

In 2012 the "Viatoll" truck toll was introduced in Poland. Rapp was commissioned by the operator Kapsch to develop a system to measure and document the performance indicators (KPI) specified in the contract. Rapp was responsible for implementing the performance indicators, interpreting the contract requirements and negotiating them with the client, defining the measurement instruments and specifying the measurement methods, monitoring the implementation and accompanying the acceptance tests.


For more than 20 years Rapp consultants have been active in standardisation for various clients. Their work is highly appreciated by public members as well as industry members. Both broad and deep knowledge in the field of RUC and ITS allow us to efficiently support the joint solutions.