At the beginning of every large Road User Charging (RUC) or ITS project, it is necessary to take a strategic look at what is to be achieved with the project / system. We provide methodological support (e.g. key design questions, morphological box, cost analysis, etc.) as well as content-related support through professional and technical knowledge and experience for more than 20 years in the international environment. Further steps towards implementation can be easily derived from this.
Rapp has assisted in the development of tolling and ITS strategies and the implementation of systems throughout Europe. This experience, together with the experience in the field of the European Electronic Toll Service, enables the development of the appropriate strategy for each context. At the beginning of any project there are essential questions that should be answered in preparation for the project design. We call these questions Key Design Questions. For each of the questions, we explain the context of the question and the options available to the client. In some cases, the option space is limited by a previously decided question. On this basis, scenarios can be formed using a morphological box, which are then analysed and evaluated both in terms of their costs and their political feasibility. The result of this process is a policy that serves as the basis for a holistic system concept.