Procurement procedure

The regulations of public procurement law are complex. Conducting a procurement procedure or preparing a good tender requires technical competence and a lot of experience. As technical advisors, we have a wide range of experience in conducting public procurement procedures as well as in preparing tenders that comply with the regulations.

Rapp Trans supports you being a contracting authority

We support you as a contracting authority with professional expertise in the comprehensive and correct preparation of tender documents, communication and negotiation with bidders, evaluation of bids and in review procedures.

  • Type of procedure and framework conditions

    We provide support in selecting the appropriate type of procurement procedure. Depending on the subject of the procurement, the time criticality and the market and competition structure, various types can be considered, e.g. procedures with a preliminary tendering competition, open procedures with/without a negotiation phase. Preparation of terms of reference: We prepare transparent and comprehensive terms of reference on the basis of the information and documents provided by the client. From the outset, great attention is paid to the structure of the description of the services, which significantly facilitates the subsequent examination of their fulfilment by the bidders' offers.

  • Elaboration of qualification requirements and evaluation criteria + forms

    The qualification requirements and evaluation criteria as the basis for the award decision are defined and weighted together with the client (e.g. between price and quality of the bids). We formulate the criteria and the evaluation standard to be applied precisely in order to create the basis for a transparent and objective bid evaluation. If necessary, appropriate forms are prepared to obtain the information from the bidders in a compact and comparable manner.

  • Tender evaluation, award decision and award notice

    After receipt of the bids, we assist with the formal and substantive bid review. Within the framework of a negotiation procedure, we prepare the negotiations and document any resulting adjustments. For the final bids that meet the formal criteria, the evaluation criteria are assessed objectively and transparently using the evaluation scale defined in advance. We provide support in making the award decision and document the procedure in detail in an award notice.

  • Support in handling complaints/proceedings before the public procurement tribunal

    If the award decision is challenged by an unsuccessful bidder or a review procedure is initiated, we support the argumentation and the proof of the transparent determination of the evaluation criteria in accordance with the evaluation standard defined in advance.


  • BMVI - Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure:

    Award procedure Toll Collect GmbH

  • BAG - Federal Office for Goods Transport:

    Award of framework contracts for further development, service and support for complex IT applications, procurement of IT infrastructure, award of technical expert services

  • ASFINAG - Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft:

    Award of the refresh of the decentralised and centralised toll collection and control systems, including operation, service and support (GoMaut 2.0), award of the refresh of the data centre and central IT applications, including operation, service and support

  • MEDDE - Ministry of the Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy:

    Award of the French truck toll system (Ecotaxe)

Rapp Trans supports you being a bidder

We support you as a bidder in preparing a valid and economic bid, in communicating with the contracting authorities in the context of bidder questions and negotiations as well as in evaluating negative award decisions and review procedures.

  • Examination of the tender documents

    We examine the tender documents with regard to their transparency, completeness and comprehensibility. We pay particular attention to the clear description of the evaluation criteria and the evaluation standard according to which the award decision is made. We assist in the formulation of a complaint, e.g. in the case of a lack of transparency of the documents and specifications or in the case that the contracting authority reserves unacceptable discretionary powers in the award decision.

  • Preparation of offer and supplementary documents (concepts, forms, etc.)

    Rapp Trans prepares the bid documents together with the client and assists in filling in the forms specified by the client. Based on our experience in reviewing tenders for public clients, we place particular emphasis on the following success factors:

    • Ensuring the formal correctness of the bid documents
    • Conformity of the information in the bid with the requirements of the tender
    • Targeted description of the fulfilment of suitability and evaluation criteria
  • Support in a possible negotiation procedure

    In the case of a negotiation procedure, we support the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the negotiation meetings with the client. This includes the identification and documentation of negotiation needs as well as their evaluation and prioritisation. We support the discussion during the negotiation and the recording of negotiation results.

  • Follow-up

    In the event of a negative award decision, we assist in evaluating the reasons for the rejection. In doing so, we check that the tendering body has adhered to the suitability and evaluation criteria formulated by it and has applied the evaluation standard defined in advance. If necessary, we provide support in the formulation of a compliant or in the context of a review procedure.


  • LogPay Financial Services:

    Bid preparation for infrastructure charging system

  • Egis Group:

    Bid preparation for truck tolling system Belgium

  • Rapp Group:

    Preparation of various bids for public tenders (Federal Highway Research Institute, BMVI, Hamburg Friedhöfe)

References on procurement procedures