EETS – European Electronic Toll Service

We are active in the field of interoperability already since supporting and designing the interoperability of the first national toll projects (e.g. 2004 interoperability CH and AT). Both at European level, we are significantly involved in the success of EETS. We still work for Toll Chargers as well as for EETS Providers. This creates trust in the concepts and solutions we develop. We support the certification of EETS Providers and work on the design of GTP and remuneration systems, to name a few of our services.

It is evident that a deep understanding of the value chain for toll collection and the role model implemented in the course of EETS is required. Only a few years ago, there were hardly any registered EETS Providers. The business models were unclear and the regulations commercially impossible to fulfil. Only in the last 3-4 years an interesting market has developed.

Nevertheless, EETS is in its infancy and much is still based on national perspectives and risk assessments. However, the new EETS directive is putting pressure on Toll Chargers to not only ensure the procedures for registration and certification of EETS Providers, but also to align the methodology for calculating the remuneration of EETS Providers with the methodology for calculating the remuneration of the national service provider.

Rapp offers expertise in the value chains, the role and business models and in European legislation on the subject of EETS. We support both the Toll Chargers and the EETS Providers.

References on EETS