Range of services

Get an overview of our expertise in the areas of road user charging, intelligent transport systems (ITS) and mobility.

Road User Charging & Intelligent Transport Systems

We are committed to ensuring that the limited resource "road" is used optimally through the use of modern technologies and that the tools to control climate-damaging CO2 emissions are available.

As consultants, we plan and specify solutions for intelligent transport systems that are optimally tailored to the respective needs and framework conditions. We place a special focus on the increasing automation and digitalisation of mobility services as well as their intermodal connectivity. Moreover, the advice of our experts in the fields of electronic toll collection and the design of systems for compliance and control of legal regulations is valued internationally.

In this way, we help national and international clients in the public and private sectors to keep pace with the rapid technological development in transport telematics.


We support you in the development of strategies and concepts for the transformation to climate-neutral mobility and accompany you on the path of transformation and implementation.

New mobility is much more than transport. It is the possibility to fulfil our needs, which today mostly require moving from one part of town to another or travelling from the village to the city, often without travelling long distances. Through reduction, new mobility leads to a higher quality of life and a better attitude towards life.

The technically sound combination of classic transport knowledge, spatial planning, new forms of technology and evaluation methods enables us to find forward-looking solutions for the environment, the economy and society.

We offer you a helping hand in the development, implementation and support of new mobility forms and services. With our comprehensive as well as specialised knowledge in the areas of automation, networking and positioning, we further support you in the technical implementation, operational design or infrastructural planning.